Tag Archives: Tunnel vision

Do you suffer from Tunnel Vision Syndrome?



Okay so now that you read the title of the blog, you’re probably thinking, “Do I suffer from what?” Because you have never heard of such a thing.

Yeah, me either.

It was something that popped into my head when I was thinking earlier just realizing how easy it is for us to have tunnel vision. And I’m not talking during a ball game or concert or while in danger, as part of the human instinct and reaction to danger. What I am talking about is the tunnel vision we get and how we can become self absorbed or solely focus on our problems and pull the “poor me” attitude. But what we don’t realize is God did not make us to be that way, He does not want us to be self righteous and look at ourselves above others regardless of our circumstances. He chooses who He hands struggles and hardships knowing who can handle them and not, so He gives you the hurt and then wants you to look to Him for healing and strength, He wants us to boast in our weaknesses and praise and glorify Him by what He does time and time again through them, to help see us through. Far too often we think we have been thrown some intolerable burden that we just cant handle or is too much, which is true but also false. We can handle them and we can overcome and be strengthened through the experiences but we cant do it alone, we need the love and compassion of our Heavenly Father. There is light at the end of the tunnel I assure you and He has great plans for you if you allow Him.

When He throws you curveballs or gives you hurt by way of different events or peoples choices or whatever it may be, He is doing so to build character, to give you His eyes and to change your perspective of the world and the different people in it. To help you feel the pain of others and make your heart soften for those along side you in this world. But in order for that to happen you have to be broken down from what you were to be built back up into what He wants you to be. And you have to be obedient to His calling in different areas of your life, whether He is leading you to or away from someone, or into a different career field or asking you to make some type of sacrifices, because when He does that, it shows how truly committed you are to Him and His plans for you. He knows what is best for you and will not lead you into harm or circumstances that are too much for you to handle.

   No temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man. God  is faithful, and he will not let you be tempted beyond your ability, but with  the temptation he will also provide the way of escape, that you may be able to  endure it. —1 Corinthians 10:13

But to know that He is seeing you through and leading you, walking side by side, you must fix your eyes upon Him at all times, not just before you lay your head down before bed or before you take in food, He doesn’t want you to only praise Him in those times or when your life is going great, but He wants you to praise Him through the storms too. Put your faith and trust in Him and not yourself or your closest friend and you will not be disappointed, because He knew you before you were and loves you more today and tomorrow just as He has all along. So praise Him, give him the glory and commitment He deserves, the door is open and always has been, He is there all He might be waiting on is you. The answers you need is in His word, seek it and allow Him to take the lead in your life as it belongs to Him to begin with.

  Be strong and courageous. Do not fear or be in  dread of them, for it is the LORD your God who goes with you. He will not leave  you or forsake you.” —Deuteronomy  31:6

  I have  said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will  have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.” —John 16:33

  Even though I walk through the valley of the  shadow of death,   I will fear no evil, for you are with  me;   your rod and your staff,    they  comfort me. —Psalm  23:4